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甘晓龙,博士(后),副教授,国家一级注册建造师,普惠金融与农业农村发展中心研究员,智能金融与数字经济研究院研究员。研究领域主要集中在乡村建设、技术创新、人居环境等领域。目前已公开发表了30多篇学术论文,其中被SCI、SSCI、EI收录20余篇。主持或参与国家社科基金重大项目、国家社科基金重点项目、国家自科基金面上项目、教育部人文社科基金项目、重庆市社会科学规划项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目、重庆市博士后资助项目以及西南大学中央高校重点项目等项目30余项,担任《Cities》《Journal of cleaner production》《Sustainable Cities and Society》等15本SCI、SSCI期刊的审稿专家。同时,获得西南大学2009-2010年度优秀实习指导教师、西南大学2014-2015年度优秀实习指导教师,并指导学生获得西南大学第四届“含弘杯”学生课外学术科技作品竞赛优秀奖(2015)、第六届中国大学生公关关系策划创业大赛优秀奖(2017)。
1)重庆市社会科学规划一般项目(2020YBGL82), “乡村装配式住宅发展面临的“碳锁定”困境及解锁路径研究”,202009-202209,经费1.5万
1)Xiaolong Gan, Ruidong Chang,Tao Wen, Overcoming barriers to off-site construction through engaging stakeholders: A two-mode social network analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production(SCI一区),2018,201:753-747.
2)Xiaolong Gan, Ruidong Chang, Jian Zuo, Tao Wen, George Zillante, Barriers to the transition towards off-site construction in China: An Interpretive structural modeling approach,Journal of Cleaner Production(SCI一区),2018,197:8-18.
3)Xiaolong Gan, Ruidong Chang,Craig Langston, Tao Wen, Exploring the interactions among factors impeding the diffusion of prefabricated building technologies: Fuzzy cognitive maps, Engineering Construction and Architectural Management(SSCI/SCI三区),2019,26(3):535-553.
4)Xiaolong Gan, Jian Zuo, Tao Wen, Yujuan She, Exploring the Adequacy of Massive Constructed Public Housing in China, Sustainability (SSCI 二区), 2019,11(7), 1949.
5)Xiaolong Gan,Jian Zuo,Emma Baker,Ruidong Chang。Tao Wen, Exploring the determinants of residential satisfaction in public rental housing in China: A Case Study of Chongqing, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment(SSCI 三区), 2019,34: 869–895.
6)Xiaolong Gan, Jian Zuo, Peng Wu, Jun Wang, Ruidong Chang, Tao Wen,How affordable housing becomes more sustainable? A stakeholder study, Journal of Cleaner Production(SCI二区), 2017, 162: 427-437.
7)Xiaolong Gan, Jian Zuo, Kunhui Ye, Martin Skitmore, Bo Xiong, Why sustainable construction? Why not? An owner's perspective, Habitat International(SSCI一区), 2015, 47: 61-68.
8)Xiaolong Gan, Jian, Zuo, Ruidong Chang, et al. Exploring the determinants of migrant workers' housing tenure choice towards public rental housing: A case study in Chongqing, China. Habitat International(SSCI一区), 2016, 58:118-126.
9)Xiaolong Gan, Jian Zuo, Kunhui Ye, Dezhi Li, Ruidong Chang, George Zillante,Are migrant workers satisfied with public rental housing? A study in Chongqing, China,Habitat International(SSCI一区), 2016, 56: 96-102.
10)Xiaolong Gan, Shirong Li, An empirical investigation on the importance of intangible values in buyer-seller relationships, Metalurgia International(EI), 2013, 11: 69-74.