

责任编辑: xn_westa




2001.09-2006.06     西南大学  生物化学与分子生物学专业  博士(硕博连读)

2006.07-2017.06   西南大学  副教授

2012.06-2013.06     Montana State University USA 访问学者

2017.07-至今     西南大学 教授



1.国家自然科学基金(面上项目): 内生产气克雷伯氏菌HGG15调控硝化胁迫提升消落带桑树抗涝机制的研究(32371713). 2024/01-2027/12.

2.重庆市自然科学基金(面上项目): 内生假单胞菌HLG18提升三峡库区消落带桑树抗涝性能及机制的探究(CSTB2022NSCQ-MSX0536). 2022/08-2024/07.

3.重庆市自然科学基金(面上项目): 桑椹缩小性菌核病病原菌生物学特征及其致病机理的研究(cstc2019jcyj-msxmX0396). 2019/07-2022/01.

4.国家自然科学基金(面上项目): 桑树内生菌提升三峡库区消落带桑树抗逆性能及机理的研究(31870518). 2019/01-2020/12.

5.国家自然科学基金(青年项目): 内生特基拉芽孢杆菌7PJ-16在桑树中定殖特征及对桑椹菌核病菌拮抗机制的研究(31601678). 2017/01-2019/12.

6.重庆市基础与前沿研究计划项目: 桑树内生菌种群的系统分析及功能菌群的研究利用(cstc2015jcyjys80001). 2015/10-2017/12.

7.留学回国人员科研启动基金:桑椹菌核病拮抗性桑树内生菌的种群分析及生物防治作用研究(外教司留[2015] 311号).

代表性论文(*为通讯作者, #为共同第一作者)

1.Ting Ou#, Meng Zhang#, Haiying Gao, Fei Wang, Weifang Xu, Xiaojiao Liu, Li Wang, Ruolin Wang and Jie Xie*. Study on the potential for stimulating mulberry growth and drought tolerance of plant growth-promoting fungi. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023, 24, 4090. IF 5.6

2.Ting Ou, Haiying Gao, Kun Jiang, Jing Yu, Ruolin Zhao, Xiaojiao Liu, Zeyang Zhou, Zhonghuai Xiang, and Jie Xie*. Endophytic Klebsiella aerogenes HGG15 stimulates mulberry growth in hydro-fluctuation belt and the potential mechanisms as revealed by microbiome and metabolomics. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022, 13: 978550. IF 6.064

3.Ting Ou, Meng Zhang, Yazhou Huang, Li Wang, Fei Wang, Ruolin Wang, Xiaojiao Liu, Zeyang Zhou, Jie Xie* and Zhonghuai Xiang. Role of the rhizospheric Bacillus megaterium HGS7 in maintaining mulberry growth under extremely abiotic stress in hydro-fluctuation belt of Three Gorges Reservoir. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022, 13: 880125. IF 6.627

4.Weifang Xu, Fei Wang, Ruolin Wang, Yuan Sui, Zeyang Zhou, Jie Xie*, Zhonghuai Xiang. Seasonal characterization of the endophytic fungal microbiome of mulberry (Morus spp.) cultivars resistant and susceptible to sclerotiniosis. Microorganisms. 2021, 9(10): 2052. IF 4.128

5.Jie Xie*, #, Weifang Xu#, Meng Zhang, Changyu Qiu, Jia Liu*, Michael Wisniewski, Ting Ou, Zeyang Zhou*, Zhonghuai Xiang. The impact of the endophytic bacterial community on mulberry tree growth in the Three Gorges Reservoir ecosystem, China. Environmental Microbiology. 2021, 23(4), 1858-1875. IF 5.491

6.Weifang Xu, Fei Wang, Meng Zhang, Ting Ou, Ruolin Wang, Gary Strobel, Zhonghuai Xiang, Zeyang Zhou*, Jie Xie*. Diversity of cultivable endophytic bacteria in mulberry and their potential for antimicrobial and plant growth-promoting activities. Microbiological Research. 2019, 229: 126328. IF 3.701

7.Ting Ou, Weifang Xu, Fei Wang, Gary Strobel, Zeyang Zhou, Zhonghuai Xiang, Jia Liu*, Jie Xie*. A microbiome study reveals seasonal variation in endophytic bacteria among different mulberry cultivars. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 2019, 17: 1091-1100. IF 6.018

8.Yapei Liu, Chaojun Pu, Meng Wang, Juan He, Zhenghui Li, Tao Feng, Jie Xie, Jikai Liu. Cytotoxic ergosterols from cultures of the basidiomycete Psathyrella candolleana. Fitoterapia, 2019, 138: 104289. IF 2.431

9.Weifang Xu, Huishuang Ren, Ting Ou, Ting Lei, Junhong Wei, Chuanshu Huang, Tian Li, Gary Strobel, Zeyang Zhou*, Jie Xie*. Genomic and functional characterization of the endophytic Bacillus subtilis 7PJ-16 strain, a potential biocontrol agent of mulberry fruit sclerotiniose. Microbial Ecology. 2019, 77(3): 651-663. IF 3.611

10.Jie Xie#, Ping Shu#, Gary Strobel, Jie Chen, Junhong Wei, Zhonghuai Xiang, Zeyang Zhou*. Pantoea agglomerans SWg2 colonizes mulberry tissues, promotes disease protection and seedling growth. Biological Control, 2017, 113: 9-17. IF 2.307

11.Jie Xie, Gary Strobel, Weifang Xu, Jie Chen, Huishuang Ren, Dejun An, Brad Geary. Fungi as architects of the Rimstone Dam in Huanglong, NSD, Sichuan, China. Microbial Ecology, 2017, 73(1): 29-38. IF 3.630

12.Jie Xie, Gary Strobel, Tao Feng, Huishuang Ren, Morgan Mends, Zeyang Zhou, Brad Geary. An endophytic Coniochaeta velutina producing broad spectrum antimycotics. Journal of Microbiology, 2015, 53(6): 390-397. IF 1.439

13.Jie Xie, Gary Strobel, Morgan Mends, Jonathan Hilmer, Jared Nigg, Brad Geary. Collophora aceris, a novel antimycotic producing endophyte associated with Douglas Maple. Microbial Ecology. 2013, 66(4):784-795. IF 3.277

14.Gary Strobel, Amy Ericksen, Joe Sears, Jie Xie, Brad Geary and Bryan Blatt. Urnula sp., an endophyte of Dicksonia antarctica, making a fragrant mixture of biologically active volatile organic compounds. Microbial Ecology, 2017, 74(2): 312-321. IF 3.630

15.Junhong Wei, Jinjin Tian, Guoqing Pan, Jie Xie, Jialing Bao, Zeyang Zhou. Development and application of a T7 RNA polymerase dependent expression system for antibiotic production improvement in Streptomyces. Biotechnology Letters, 2017, 39(6): 857-864. IF 1.730

16.欧婷,金毕堃,高海英,王若琳,张雨阳,左伟东,谢洁*. Bacillus velezensis SWUJ1拮抗物质分离纯化及抑菌机理研究[J]. 西南大学学报(自然科学版),2022,41(1): 75-87

17.王若琳徐伟芳,王飞,周小磊,郑月,江鸿森,谢洁*. 桑树内生拮抗菌的分离鉴定及其对桑断枝烂叶病的生防初探[J]. 微生物学报,2019, 59(11): 2130-2143

18.欧婷,江鸿森,任慧爽,王飞,徐伟芳,王若琳,谢洁*. 一株香樟炭疽病拮抗菌的鉴定及其发酵条件优化[J]. 西南大学学报(自然科学版),2019,41(7): 45-53

19.方翔,徐伟芳,牛娜,欧婷,王飞,左伟东,谢洁*. 一株桑树内生拮抗菌的分离、鉴定及发酵条件优化[J]. 微生物学报,2018,58(12): 2147-2160

20.任慧爽,徐伟芳,王爱印,左伟东,谢洁*. 桑树内生细菌多样性及内生拮抗活性菌群的研究[J]. 西南大学学报(自然科学版),2017,39(1): 36-45(入选领跑者5000中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文)

21.徐伟芳,黄涛杨,周敏,方翔,王飞,刘凤丹,谢洁*. 一株脂肪酶产生菌的筛选鉴定及其酶学性质研究[J]. 西南大学学报(自然科学版),2017,39(5): 62-69

22.谢洁*,商必志,任慧爽,王爱印,左伟东,周泽扬. 一株纤维素酶产生菌B. cereus JYMB2菌株的筛选鉴定[J]. 西南大学学报(自然科学版),2016,38(5): 45-51

23.吴晶晶,徐伟芳,王爱印,周敏,黄涛扬,谢洁*. B. methylotrophicus SWU6菌株产纤维素酶发酵条件的优化[J]. 蚕学通讯,2016,36(2): 1-6

24.谢洁*,任慧爽,唐翠明,左伟东,陈洁,黄传书,王振江,戴凡炜,周泽扬. 一株桑树内生细菌的鉴定和对桑椹核地杖菌的拮抗作用[J]. 蚕业科学,2015,41(5): 0815-0824

25.徐伟芳,王爱印,舒平,任慧爽,龙梦娴,陈洁,谢洁*. 几种常见桑树病害的识别与防治[J]. 蚕学通讯,2015,35(2): 22-30

26.张飞官,高雅慧,任慧爽,裘丽源,左伟东,周泽扬,谢洁*. 桑疫病病原拮抗菌的分离、鉴定及发酵条件优化[J]. 微生物学报,2013.12.53(12):1285-1294

27.吴晶晶,王爱印,周敏,陈林,谢洁*. 一株纤维素酶产生菌SWU6菌株的筛选鉴定[J]. 蚕学通讯,2014,34(4): 7-13

28.谢洁,夏天,林立鹏,左伟东,周泽扬. 一株桑树内生拮抗菌的分离鉴定[J]. 蚕业科学,2009,35(1): 122-126