徐 立
1996 - 2000 西南农业大学,蚕丝生物科学,学士;
2000 - 2003 西南农业大学,特种经济动物饲养,硕士;
2000 - 2003 西南大学,特种经济动物饲养,博士;
2004 - 2006 中科院昆明植物所植物化学国家重点实验室,客座博士研究生;
2006 - 至今 西南大学,教师;
2015 - 2016新加坡国立大学食品系,访问学者。
《生化分离与分析技术》、《植物功能物质开发利用》、《Natural Medicinal Chemistry》、《Natural products Chemistry》、《Biochemical Separation and Analysis Techniques》
1. 植物次生代谢产物的分离鉴定、活性(抗衰老、美白、抗炎、降血糖、抗病毒、抗菌、抑制阿尔兹海默症等)评价、作用机制研究及相关产品开发;
2. 植物细胞培养(生物合成护肤品及药品领域急需重要次生代谢产物)。
Industrial Crops and Products, Journal of agriculture and food chemistry, RSC Advances, Pharmaceutical Biology, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Food & Function, Phytomedicine, 天然产物研究与开发, 天然产物化学,等国内外多家刊物审稿人;
Wei Xiang, Li Xu , Li Zheng , Qi‑ao Zhang and Xiaowen Shi4*. Purifcation, structural characterization, and immunoregulatory activity of a polysaccharide from mulberry branch[J] Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture,2024,11(39):748(二区)
Yurong Li, Long Guo, Juanjuan Wei, Yijun Yao, Li Xu *, Zhiqin Zhou*.Effect of polyethoxylated flavonoids (PMFs)-loaded citral and chitosan composite coatings on citrus preservation: From the perspective of fruit resistance[J] Food Chemistry: X, 2024,(22):101417(一区,TOP)
Shanshan Liu , Xiaowen Shi, Wei Xiang*, Zhihui Jin, Yanan Jia, Yuansong Zhang, Lingshu Zeng, Jiaxin Chen, Xianzhi Huang, Li Xu*. Bioactivities and physicochemical properties of crude polysaccharides from mulberry twigs, agricultural by-products[J] Industrial Crops & Products, 2023, (193):116191(一区,TOP)
Xiaowen Shi , Li Xu*, Jianqin Zhang, Juanfen Mo , Pei Zhuang, Li Zheng*. Oxyresveratrol from mulberry branch extract protects HUVECs against oxidized Low-density Lipoprotein-induced oxidative injury via activation of the Nrf-2/HO-1 pathway[J] Journal of Functional Foods, 2022, (100):105371.(二区,TOP)
Pingkang Xu· Qimin Chen· Xiaoman Chen· Hao Qi· Yuyan Yang· Weiqi Li· Xin Yang· Amelia Gunawan· Shuoyu Chen· Huimin Zhang· Han‑Ming Shen· Dejian Huang Brian Kennedy Li Xu*·Ziyun Wu*. Morusin and mulberrin extend the lifespans of yeast and C. elegans via suppressing nutrient‑sensing pathways[J] Gero Science, 2022,(45):949-964(一区,TOP)
Fanshan Feng, Wei Xiang*, Han Gao, Yanan Jia, Yuansong Zhang, Lingshu Zeng, Jiaxin Chen, Xianzhi Huang, Li Xu*. Rapid Screening of Nonalkaloid α-Glucosidase Inhibitors from a Mulberry Twig Extract Using Enzyme-Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles Coupled with UPLC-MS/MS[J] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, (70):11958-11966(一区,TOP)
Yuyuan Zhu , Wei Xiang, Yao Shen, Yanan Jia, Yuansong Zhang, Lingshu Zeng, Jiaxin Chen, You Zhou, Xin Xue, Xianzhi Huang, Li Xu*. New butyrylcholinesterase inhibitor derived from mulberry twigs, a kind of agricultural byproducts [J] Industrial Crops & Products, 2022, (187):11535(一区,TOP)
Lin He, Feifei Huang, Yu Wang, Yijun Wu , Li Xu * and Pingan Chang. The Catalytic Domain of Neuropathy Target Esterase Influences Lipid Droplet Biogenesis and Lipid Metabolism in Human Neuroblastoma Cells[J] Metabolites, 2022, (12): 637.(二区)
Wei Xiang, Zhining Xia, Li Xu*. UPLC-MS/MS Profiling, Antioxidant, α-Glucosidase Inhibitory, Cholinesterase Inhibitory, and Cardiovascular Protection Potentials of Jialing 20 (Morus multicaulis Perr.) Mulberry Branch Extract [J] Foods, 2021, 10, 2659. (二区)
Jing Liu, Yan Yu, Yiping Zhao, Liangyu Jiang, You Zhou, Dejian Huang, Li Xu*. Interrelation of cholesterol-lowering, antioxidant activity and DNA damage protection to the different solvent extracts of mulberry (Morus alba L.) [J] Journal of food processing and preservation, 2020, 45(1): e14891
Ya-Nan Jia, Ya-Lin Peng, Yi-Ping Zhao, Xi-Fei Cheng, You Zhou, Chun-Li Chai, Ling-Shu Zeng, Min-Hui Pan, and Li Xu*Comparison of the Hepatoprotective Effects of the Three Main Stilbenes from Mulberry Twigs[J] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2019, (67)5521-5529(一区,TOP)
Ya-Nan Jia, Hai-Peng Lu, Ya-lin Peng, Bao-Shun Zhang, Xiao-bao Gong, Jun Su, You Zhou, Min-Hui Pan, Li Xu*. Oxyresveratrol prevents lipopolysaccharide/d galacto- samine induced acute liver injury in mice[J] International Immunopharmacology,2018, (56):105-112(二区,TOP)
Hai-Peng Lu, Ya-Nan Jia, Ya-Lin Peng, Yan Yu, Si-Long Sun, Meng-Ting Yue, Min-Hui Pan, Ling-Shu Zeng and Li Xu*. Oxyresveratrol, a Stilbene Compound from Morus alba L. Twig Extract Active Against Trichophyton rubrum[J] Phytotherapy Research, 2017, (31):1842-1848 (二区)
Hai Peng Lu, Ya Nan Jia, Yan Yu, and Li Xu*. DNA Protection Activity of a Hydroethanol Extract and Six Polyphenol Monomers from Morus alba L. (Mulberry) Twig [J] International Journal of Food Properties, 2017, 20(S2):S2207-S2219
Chao Liu, Wei Xiang, Yan Yu, Zhengqin Shi, Li Xu*. Comparative analysis of 1-deoxynojirimycin contribution degree to α-glucosidase inhibitory activity and physiological distribution in Morus alba L [J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2015, 70: 309–315. (一区,TOP)
Li Xu*, Chao Liu, Wei Xiang, Chen Hu, Xiaoli Qin, Xianzhi Huang. Advances in the study of oxyresveratrol. International Journal of Pharmacology, 2014, 10(1): 44-54.
Chao Liu, Chuan-hong Wang, Jing Liu, Li Xu*. Optimization of microwave-assisted technology for extracting 1-deoxynojirimycin from mulberry tea by response surface methodology [J]. Food Science and Technology Research, 2014, 20(3): 599-603.
Li Xu*, Jing Liu, Chao Liu, Chun Wu, Chuan-Hong Wang, Xian-Zhi Huang. Response surface optimization of ultrasonic-assisted oxyres- veratrol extraction from the bark of cultured black mulberry (Morus nigra L.) [J]. Separation Science and Technology, 2013, 48: 2779–2785.
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